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How AI Technologies Can Help Optimise Gaming Sites

AI makes revolutionary changes in every sector it is applied to. If we talk about the digital casino segment, then AI is transforming the market in a much deeper and more voluminous way than any other technological innovation.

AI technology in online casinos

The Rosloto team has gathered comprehensive information about the possibilities and ways of using the phenomenon in the gambling field. This is a multi-tasking innovative solution that can significantly expand the horizons of the niche.

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AI in the iGaming Industry

The term combines a whole series of technologies that allow programs to simulate human behaviour, skills, and thinking.

When it comes to practical application, these developments can be used to perform a wide variety of tasks. In the iGaming industry, AI performs the following functions:

  • optimises the internal business processes of enterprises;
  • solves problems related to data analysis;
  • improves the performance of resources;
  • increases the level of online casino security;
  • predicts the results of entertainment sessions.

The main goal of using such a technology in the sector is to create the most comfortable and safe conditions for casino visitors. These will encourage them to return to such websites regularly.

Automation of Operational Processes

This trend is especially evident in the case of large foreign iGaming resources.

Operators working with global international traffic use AI to automate many processes:

  • registration of new users;
  • verification of compliance with information about customers;
  • acceptance of regular payments;
  • withdrawal of funds;
  • control over bonus programs;
  • analytical data structuring, etc.

AI as a Prediction Tool

Not only the main operational processes that can be shifted onto the solution. It is also possible to use it to create algorithms and forecasting models. For example, based on information about the preferences of users, operators can:

  • quickly improve the product range;
  • make a decision to expand or terminate cooperation with certain suppliers;
  • calculate investment risks and payback periods in advance, before integrating new entertainment.

The technology is able to analyse not only the internal data of the gambling platform but also work with information about the whole market. With the help of AI, entrepreneurs can evaluate the competitors and make fairly accurate forecasts, based on which it is possible to plan the expansion into new markets.

Safe Play with AI

Bots, fake accounts, and hacking are some of the most common problems faced by online casino owners. When we talk about social networks, the first two phenomena cause informational damage but in the casino segment, it means significant financial harm.

One of the most effective methods of combating abnormal user activity has been the massive introduction of AI-based automatic pattern recognition systems — APRS.

It works in the following way: the system collects data on the behavioural reactions of customers It instantly detects any deviations, suspicious coincidences, or illogical moves while they are playing. Thus, AI can:

  • recognise fraudulent activities carried out by users;
  • independently make decisions on the restriction of access to the website for suspicious clients;
  • apply various sanctions to those gamblers who violate the rules of the game (for example, AI can cancel bets, prizes, or bonuses and put people on the blacklist).

The Problem Faced by a Casino Niche

Ludomania is not only a social problem. From the point of view of the iGaming industry, this is a significant operational risk, due to which the requirements for gambling establishments are constantly getting stricter.

AI systems help quickly identify problem clients and offer them several ways of solving their problems. Besides, AI ensures that all online casino visitors are of adult age.

To combat gambling addiction, the following methods are widely used:

  1. System messages. These are regular reminders to take a break from the session. For example, pop-up notifications appear every 20 minutes if the user has been on the website for more than a certain period.
  2. The artificial slowdown of spins. A lower speed of rotation of the reels allows players to look away from the screen and realise what they are doing and where they are at the moment in real life.
  3. Access restrictions. AI can be programmed to independently make decisions on the temporary or complete blocking of the account of a user who showed signs of ludomania.

AI Casino Marketing Programs

It is impossible to imagine the modern iGaming market without personalisation. Customers are not ready to visit the first website with slot machines. Punters want to place bets in familiar gambling locations where their habits and preferences are already known.

In this niche, AI technologies are widely used in the field of audience segmentation. Processing the enormous flow of data, the solution allows operators to quickly determine the main pool of players, taking into account:

  • age;
  • gender;
  • locations;
  • behavioural responses, etc.

After that, AI systems analyse the collected information and, based on it, offer specialised promotional and marketing programs, as well as personal gifts.

It is worth remembering that bonuses are one of the most effective means of attracting and retaining clients. If a reward is correctly calculated and appeared at the right time, it can:

  • make users more active and encourage them to start playing once again;
  • support clients when they got into a losing streak;
  • start cross-selling by offering themed slots and live entertainment to roulette players.

A system capable of self-learning determines when to offer rewards, what their amount will be, and how often a bonus must be given to motivate a particular gambler.

The technology is also widely used to control traffic. AI can do thorough research on affiliate programs, identifying which partner brings more customers to the platform and determining the quality of this flow of clients.

Another way to use AI systems in casino marketing is to automate SEO analytics. The tool acts as:

  • automatic generator of landing pages with keywords;
  • a reliable system for purchasing links for the ranking of websites;
  • a powerful service for setting up and controlling SEO analytics, as well as internal and external links, and filling in micro marking.

Increase in the Level of Customer Service

Chatbots powered by AI: customer service

Self-learning chatbots based on AI are integrated into virtual casinos more and more often.

The ChatGPT program has become a breakthrough in the industry. The open-source of the product makes it possible to install it on any platform and set a wide variety of templates for communicating with the audience.

The technology has made it possible to provide users with personalised assistance on almost any issue:

  1. Primary acquaintance with the offer of the casino. The chatbot can explain in detail the rules of the game and the distribution of bonuses, and tell about the policy of the company, rules of the game, betting limits, etc.
  2. Newsletter. The system can be configured to generate and send personal information, advertising messages, and reminders of bonuses and promotions.
  3. Individual strategies. The support chatbot can make recommendations and, at the request of the user, develop detailed strategies for each specific session.
  4. Current offers. The program can act as a personal assistant and generate a list of content or bonuses that were most often used by gamblers during their previous visits to the website.
  5. Technical appeals. The system receives messages about any failures in the operation of the platform and promptly transfers information to responsible specialists. It can also give advice based on given patterns, such as asking users to reload the page.
  6. Resolution of disputes. AI can not only respond to typical requests but also offer some ways to manage more complex situations without the involvement of an operator. The level of independence of the program can be selected in the basic settings.

Personalised Gameplay

AI is an extremely practical, flexible, and effective tool for adapting entertainment to each player.

Possibilities of personalisation of the casino’s offer with the help of AI

Assessment of the level of skills

The system analyses the previous experience of customers in a particular game. It can independently adjust the difficulty of the round or give advice directly during the session

Analysis of preferences

If users constantly choose blackjack, the AI will not offer slots with fruit symbols or the lottery. Cross-selling in this case will look as organic as possible. For example, card-themed entertainment or similar products in the live category may be recommended

Unique playing style

The program can analyse the frequency and size of bets, the duration of moves, and other behavioural reactions. Based on such data, it will offer clients certain limits, winning strategies, or similar games

Budget control

AI can create customised financial plans for each session based on the player’s previous experience.

These can be notifications about the excess of limits or even interruption of the session if the user indicated this option as an acceptable one

Analysing the possibilities of using AI technology in the iGaming field, Dmitry Krivorchuk, head of sales at Slotegrator, said:

Clearly, AI is helping us improve the mechanics of the gameplay point-by-point throughout the life cycle of a company, personalise offers for customers, and improve the service globally.

I am sure that thanks to the introduction of AI into various casino processes, the market will soon see completely new solutions that will attract more clients from all over the world and completely transform the industry as we know it today.

The Main Things about AI in the iGaming Niche

Artificial intelligence in gambling: advantages

Such technologies are complex software solutions that are widely used in entertainment for money.

The horizon of possibilities extends from automating routine operational processes to the attraction of new clients and the creation of personalised promotional offers for each player.

  • AI can significantly reduce costs and simplify the maintenance of key business processes. These include the analysis of the behaviour of users, automation of the registration procedure for newcomers, control of finances, and prediction of potential risks.
  • Chatbots based on AI have proven themselves as an alternative to customer service. They can build unique gaming strategies, introduce new products, and resolve rather complex technical and controversial issues.
  • The technology significantly increases the level of security of casino platforms. The program analyses a huge amount of data. It can instantly identify any behavioural anomalies, and make decisions to prevent fraud (from notifying a specialist to blocking a suspicious account independently).

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Clara Hazel
Author: Clara Hazel
iGaming business expert
Updated 22.06.2023
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