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Mobile iGaming Project Marketing: Features and Benefits

The operation of a successful entertainment site involves constant work on attracting solvent traffic. Digital advertisement is the best way to do this. It is available to a vast category of gamers due to the expanding penetration of smartphones. Besides, this approach has an affordable cost and huge growth potential.

Mobile casino marketing: value and effectiveness

Rosloto describes the features of digital promotion and its benefits for a modern online casino.

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The Value of the Method in the Modern World

This type of advertisement is an activity focused on attracting users of personal devices.

According to the GSM Association, 5.7 billion people is the total number of portable device owners. In the next four years, this figure will grow by another 700 million. There are already more smartphones (8.7 billion) than people (7.8 billion), thanks largely to humanity's insatiable appetite for new technologies.

The online media SemRush claims that the average person clicks or presses a finger on the phone 2617 times a day and spends about 7 hours on a smartphone. More time a person spends only on a night's sleep.

Personal devices are firmly entrenched in everyday life. Therefore, the promotion of products through this communication channel is very effective. Digital marketing implies the highest return on investment, wide audience coverage, and other significant advantages.

The analytical centre DataReportal published promising statistics on the use of mobile devices:

  • 2/3 of customers choose suppliers of goods and services that have a convenient mobile application. The statement is true for all types of Internet business, including the iGaming industry.
  • 40% of payments are made through personal devices. The second place is taken by stationary ATMs and POS terminals. The third place is occupied by computers and laptops.
  • 50% of mobile users order services and replenish their accounts directly from smart devices.

Entrepreneurs lose 40% of their profits if their customers find it inconvenient to interact with a brand through a mobile app. The conversion rate drops significantly. Visitors simply leave a site without finding the requested product or service.

The attachment of mankind to gadgets is growing every year. Thanks to this, mobile marketing is becoming more and more in demand, including in the gaming sector.

Consider the main advantages of this promotion channel:

Wide audience outreach

60% of Internet traffic comes from personal devices. Their owners are gamers from different countries with different income levels and preferences.

Advertising through devices covers a vast audience. This means it will bring great benefits to the operator as an increase in conversion and revenue of the iGaming platform

Maximum personalisation

Different categories of gamblers receive various targeted messages. Digital marketing allows operators to target the audience by geolocation, age, interests, and other parameters.

Information is collected and processed using analytical tools built into the mobile application.

If a gambler, for example, is a fan of the Game of Thrones franchise, the program will automatically offer this user slots with the favourite characters.

Microgaming, WorldMatch, and other companies provide similar solutions

Easy sharing

Mobile advertising has great viral potential.

Gamers are happy to share SMS and MMS, photos, video reviews and other materials with friends. Thanks to this, the outreach of the audience increases significantly

High decision-making speed

Gamblers replenish their accounts in mobile casinos much faster compared to desktop versions.

The time from viewing the target message to depositing money takes a few seconds. At this stage, the operator needs to provide customers with convenient payment services to support the gamer's desire to start a quick play

Affordable cost

The use of this marketing channel is significantly cheaper compared to traditional promotion options (for example, SEO or native advertising).

The price of a WhatsApp message, for example, starts at €0.03

Enormous potential for growth

The number of smartphone users is growing every year, as is the number of gadgets themselves. Even today, this method of promotion shows impressive results with minimal costs for launching and managing advertising activities.

Mobile marketing implies low competition in the field. Only 7% of entrepreneurs use its capabilities — such data was published by the research centre SMS Comp

The Main Components of Digital Promotion

Digital advertisement: benefits

Mobile marketing allows businessmen to use dozens of channels and tools in one campaign. The main thing is that the mechanisms used give a real and measurable result. They also should be directed to the owners of personal devices.

What solutions should be used as part of digital promotion in 2023:

  1. In-game advertising. Targeted ads appear while spinning slot reels and the Wheel of Fortune, completing missions and tournaments. Users see videos, short text messages and interactive banners during high involvement in the game process. This gives good results as an increase in conversion (if the ad appears during the demo mode) and online casino revenue.
  2. Mobile banners. These are large-format 3D images adapted for viewing on personal devices. By clicking on the banner, the gambler goes to the registration form, the deposit window or the page with a personal promotional code. It is also possible to place simple informational banners without having to click on them.
  3. Voice advertising. The target message is embedded in automated call algorithms. After the gamer has contacted the call centre, the user receives a voice message. The player can listen to the advertising message or reject it.
  4. Downloadable playable Ads Apps. These are interactive advertisement messages with gameplay elements. The user sees a video and a mini-version of the slot in the feed, for example, a simple level or an example mission. The call to action at the end of the ad encourages the user to install the app.
  5. Mailing. According to Litmus, 57% of letters are opened on mobile platforms. 69% of personal device owners delete e-mails without even reading them if they are not optimised for smartphones. This type of marketing is an effective channel for attracting new audiences and returning previously registered customers. The main thing is to adapt the message to mobile view.

How to Increase the Effectiveness of Digital Advertising

Rosloto has prepared some useful tips for online casino promotion.

Site Adaptation for Mobile First Indexing

Since 2019, Google algorithms evaluate the mobile version of the iGaming portal first and only then its desktop version. A resource optimised for Googlebot requirements is high in search results. This gives an increase in organic Internet traffic.

The features of indexing with mobile content priority are as follows:

  1. Adaptive design. Here, the composition of the site is important, which automatically adjusts to the parameters of the device. These are the size and resolution of the screen, the amount of RAM, the location of hotkeys, and other characteristics. When using responsive design, there is no duplication of content that slows down the gambling site.
  2. Different URLs. Google recommends writing different variations of the code and URLs depending on the device used. The program reads the address and automatically redirects the player to the desired page.

It is possible to evaluate how well an online casino is optimised for smart devices using the following tools:

  1. Mobile Usability. The software reports whether there are any problems with the perception of advertising from a portable device. The program will indicate if the text on the main page is too small or if clickable gamification elements are located close to each other.
  2. Google Mobile-Friendly Test. The solution is used to test the usability of individual pages for smart devices. The program scans the URL of the site and reports errors and options for correcting them.

Audience Segmentation

There are four types of iGaming site visitors:


For them, online casinos are primarily the excitement. They are motivated not so much by big prizes as by the thrill of spinning slot reels.

Targeted messages, in this case, should convey information that the gamer deals with exciting and unpredictable entertainment

Relax players

This category wants to pass the time and relieve stress after work.

The advertising strategy should be aimed at quick play with instant wins, short rounds, and small but nice bonuses

Social gamers

For this group, interaction with other visitors to the site is important. To attract gamblers, various missions and tournaments, mini-quests, in-game functions, and interactive chats are suitable

Universal players

For them, all the aspects described above matter — excitement, stress relief, and social interaction

The selected categories of users are segmented based on various personal specifics:

  • age;
  • social position;
  • geolocation;
  • gaming preferences, etc.

The Use of Advanced Analytics

The easiest way to evaluate ad creatives is A/B testing. Here, a control group of elements (slogans, colour combinations, target messages, etc.) is compared with a check set in which one or more indicators have been changed.

The purpose of the review is to determine which of the following changes improve the financial performance of the marketing campaign:

  • ROI (the percentage of return on investment in advertising);
  • CR (conversion rate);
  • LTV (customer lifetime value);
  • GGR (gross gaming revenue), etc.

Consider the following specialised services:

  1. Apps Flyer. It is a platform with deep analysis of internal events, cost, and ROI reports. The product has good protection, a tool for creating relevant and referral links, and high-quality mobile attribution.
  2. Adjust. The system allows operators to segment customers based on established criteria and goals, conduct A/B testing, and track the effectiveness of a marketing campaign. The program interacts with over 1,500 partner services, including Facebook and Twitter.
  3. Mobile Action. It is a useful tool for competitor analysis, keyword research, position tracking, and app store optimisation. The solution implies a free version with basic functionality and a paid option with advanced features.
  4. App Annie. The product allows businessmen to track competitors and determine the most effective marketing activities, analyse the quality of mobile traffic, and create original advertising creatives. The software has a user-friendly interface and a good selection of statistical tools.
  5. Sensor Tower. The program contains a variety of solutions for mobile marketers, casino betting app developers, and industry analysts. An entrepreneur can request a revenue and download analysis of a creative, a competitor keyword report, etc.

The Main Things about the Relevant Promotion Method

Casino promotion: mobile marketing

Mobile marketing is an advertisement of an iGaming platform aimed at attracting owners of personal gadgets.

  • This is an important promotion channel, the role of which is increasing every year. Today, almost 60% of organic traffic comes through personal devices. By 2027, this figure will grow even more.
  • The advantages of the solution include its affordable cost and wide audience coverage. Among the strong points, there are also easy sharing, the quick attraction of the target audience, and enormous potential for growth and scaling.
  • The main digital tools are in-game offers, mobile banners, voice messages, downloadable Playable Ads Apps, e-mail marketing, and other mechanisms.
  • For effective advertising, it is important to adapt the site for Mobile First indexing, competent segmentation of the audience, and the use of detailed analytics.

Rosloto provides online casino promotion services. We use different advertising strategies, attractive creatives, useful statistical tools, and other solutions to increase the profits of iGaming resources.

The Rosloto studio offers:

We also create custom-made HTML5 slots and assist our clients with licensing and creating business plans.

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Clara Hazel
Author: Clara Hazel
iGaming business expert
Updated 25.05.2023
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