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8 Reasons to Launch a Gaming Site: Why It Is Profitable and Prestigious

The year 2024 is marked by active digitalisation of the economy. More and more entrepreneurs are moving their projects to the online space because they see good prospects for business scaling in this sector.

Reasons to launch an online casino in 2023

Specialists of the Rosloto studio will tell you about the benefits of launching an online casino in the near future. Let us find out why it is the right decision.

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Positive Dynamics of the Market

According to the Rich Ads web resource, in 2022, the market volume reached $63.5 billion. In 2024, according to experts, the total value of the industry will be $153.4 billion.

Such rapid growth (by almost 2.5 times) is explained by:

  • the emergence of affordable mobile entertainment;
  • accident-free game from anywhere in the world;
  • growth of the incomes of the population;
  • active legalisation of gambling.

The popularity of iGaming platforms and digital betting shops is confirmed by research conducted by the portal. Analysts say that 85% of American adults have placed bets in online casinos at least once in their lives. Moreover, 1.2 billion users (23% of the world's population) regularly visit such resources.

The European Gambling Association notes that 62% of residents place bids on the Internet at least once a week. Most often, these are websites with slots and sportsbook solutions. In Europe, casino entertainment generates 39% of the income from the iGaming niche in the world.

The above-mentioned facts confirm the demand for such products, the stable growth of the industry, and good opportunities for launching and scaling a business of this type. Having invested in opening an online casino today, you will get a stable profit tomorrow.

Transparent Procedure for Obtaining a Licence

Obtaining the licence for online casino

In 2024, more and more countries are working on legislative harmonisation and trying to create all conditions for the legal management of virtual gambling platforms. The efforts of the authorities are explained by the desire to get the sector out of the grey zone, increase revenues to the budget, and establish a favourable investment climate.

The following offshore jurisdictions are considered the most promising regions for launching an iGaming startup:


This country is the leader in the EU in terms of the number of issued permits and registered gambling companies. Entrepreneurs are attracted by:

  • the minimal fiscal burden on businesses;
  • comfortable conditions for launching an online casino;
  • access to modern IT infrastructure and highly qualified personnel.

In Malta, there are representative offices of Europe's largest developers of gambling software:

Several thematic exhibitions are held in the country, and local authorities support casino owners in every possible way


At the beginning of 2024, the government announced large-scale changes in the regulation of the industry. The plans included the introduction of protective mechanisms (for example, the connection of operators to the goAML online monitoring system), updating the procedure for obtaining licences, and tax reduction.

The regulator also promises to revise the rules regarding Bitcoin casinos. The jurisdiction became the first in the world to issue a permit for the operation of an iGaming platform based on blockchain technology.

In the future, the licensing procedure in Curacao will only be simplified, and cryptocurrency will be recognised as a means of payment


The jurisdiction is known for the fact that it grants temporary permits for 59 calendar days.

Entrepreneurs that are already certified in another country can apply for the launch of an iGaming startup under a simplified procedure.

Casino owners have the right to test the work in the local regulator (the volume of Internet traffic, the tax burden, as well as income and expenses for the reporting period), and based on the received data, make the final decision on the implementation of a gambling project in Alderney

Isle of Man

The territory is considered a possession of the British crown but has more loyal laws regarding casino entertainment.

Investors can register companies under a simplified procedure, enjoy tax rebates, and use modern IT infrastructure.

Moreover, several large information centres with state-of-the-art data storage and access to an advanced 5G network are located on the island


The jurisdiction offers a low fiscal burden on businesses. Entrepreneurs pay only 0.1–0.15%, and the GGR indicator depends on the gross gambling turnover for the reporting month.

The country has strict requirements for the applicants, which increases its credibility and prestige in the eyes of investors

Experts call the Asia-Pacific region one of the most promising. According to analysts, the sector will bring in 37% of the global gaming revenue.

We suggest that entrepreneurs pay attention to the policy of the Philippines, Australia, India, Georgia, and other countries:

  • The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology of India, for example, is promising to create a new state authority to regulate online gambling.
  • In Georgia, it is planned to strengthen the responsibility for the operation of illegal online casinos, thus protecting legitimate businesses.
  • Europe also offers good opportunities for starting and developing an iGaming startup.

In 2024, online gambling platforms were legalised in Germany, although before that, such activity was available only in one federal state. In the Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Finland, and Denmark), every third adult visits a gaming site at least once a week. All types of casino entertainment are allowed in the region, so entrepreneurs receive a stable income.

Access to Innovative Technologies

Such a rapid growth of gambling would not have been possible without the introduction of IT solutions. They turn the gameplay into a more interesting and memorable experience and make it easier to manage iGaming startups.

It is hard to imagine the industry without the following innovations:

  1. Artificial intelligence. Machine learning simplifies the administration of online casinos. AI processes large amounts of data (the history of bets, preferences of users, and the offers of competitors) and, based on it, provides players with personalised products. Bots based on AI and social messengers, such as Telegram casinos, are also quite popular.
  2. Blockchain. Distributed ledger technology is used to improve the security of iGaming resources, confirm their honesty and the transparency of payouts, and guarantee the reception of prizes. A universal means of payment, cryptocurrency, is also based on the blockchain.
  3. VR and AR. Virtual and augmented reality provide high-quality user experience and graphics making it more voluminous. The technologies also improve the background sound. By spinning the reels of slot machines, gamblers feel like they are visiting an IMAX cinema — such a realistic picture is offered by the provider.

Automation of Routine Tasks of Operators

One of the big reasons to launch an iGaming startup in 2024 is comfortable management from anywhere in the world.

Entrepreneurs can buy an online casino along with a built-in CRM system. Often, such software is created based on AI and Big Data, which allows operators to process terabytes of information and produce final results. These are the preferences of users, risky actions, implementation of additional software, and much more.

The CRM system contains dozens of report templates. Attention is paid to:

  • financial indicators;
  • Internet traffic analysis;
  • results of interaction with affiliates;
  • money transfers.

Legal Round-the-Clock Work

The benefits of investing in online casinos are the legal functioning of the website and the attraction of solvent traffic from anywhere in the world. Offshore zones provide such an opportunity.

Having received a licence in Malta, Gibraltar, the Philippines, and some other jurisdictions, operators have the right to launch a resource with a .com domain address. After that, they can easily interact with clients from different countries and get good conversions and dividends.

The key advantages of the iGaming startup include round-the-clock customer support. Gamblers can contact managers via modern communication channels (call centre, Viber, and Telegram), ask questions, and get detailed answers.

Clear Market Strategy

The launch of an online casino is not chaotic action but a well-planned step that brings good results in the short term.

Regulators who have a list of requirements for the applicants help operators in many ways. Thanks to this, entrepreneurs can build a clearly defined strategy for launching a gaming site and move towards their goal step by step.

Business owners have to undergo the following procedure:

  • choice of jurisdiction for implementing an iGaming project (analysis of the requirements of the regulator, the level of taxes, and the validity period of the permit);
  • registration of a company, the opening of a local office and bank account;
  • acquisition of a licence;
  • purchase of software (games, payment solutions, and security software);
  • signing an agreement with a hosting provider and setting up exchange operations;
  • creation of the design of a gambling portal;
  • development of a strategy for the promotion of an online casino;
  • launch of a startup and provision of services to the first clients.

Access to Modern Marketing Solutions

Online casino marketing: trends

The success of an iGaming platform largely depends on the right promotion strategy. The audience needs to understand the benefits of your resource and learn about bonuses, discounts, and free spins provided by the operator.

In 2024, it has become much easier to promote online casinos but at the same time, more difficult:

  • Simplicity lies in the use of a wide variety of advertising tools aimed at achieving results rapidly. There is even a new direction in the niche. It is called performance marketing: entrepreneurs use different communication channels (search engines, social networks, and e-mail) to ensure better acquisition and retention of customers.
  • As for the difficulties, this is, first of all, high competition in the industry. Advertising messages should be clear, understandable, and relevant to the target audience. This is the only way to achieve better online casino attendance, which guarantees excellent conversion.

Today, affiliate marketing is the most effective promotion tool. Among its advantages, we can name:

  • payment for the final and measurable result;
  • different financial schemes to choose from;
  • interaction only with the target audience;
  • the use of advertising tools in combination.

Mobility and Independence

The decision to launch an iGaming site is a great investment in 2024.

The project becomes successful thanks to the autonomous operation, which almost does not depend on external factors. Online casinos, for example, can be transferred to another hosting or even to a platform in another country. To do this, entrepreneurs need to obtain a licence in the selected jurisdiction, and the website and its content (games, security system, and payment module) will remain the same.

It will not be possible to do this with a land-based gambling hall as quickly as one would expect. In this case, business owners will need a thorough approach and much higher costs.

The Main Things about the Benefits of Launching an Online Casino in 2024

Projects of this type are highly profitable and bring a decent income.

  • Analysts predict the growth of the industry in the coming years. This is confirmed by the active digitalisation of the economy, access to innovations, and the legalisation of iGaming solutions in many countries.
  • In 2024, favourable conditions for the casino business are offered by several offshore zones. These are Malta, Gibraltar, the Isle of Man, Alderney, and others. It is also possible to launch a profitable startup in Europe and Asia. The Philippines is the only country in the world, apart from offshore jurisdictions, that allows gaming sites to operate on 2 domains at once — .com and ph.
  • Among the innovative solutions that are successfully used in the niche, we can name artificial intelligence, blockchain, as well as virtual and augmented reality technologies.
  • Among the advantages of creating an iGaming resource are mobility, independence, legitimate work without limits, automation of routine tasks, a clear business strategy, and access to modern marketing solutions.

You can order a profitable online casino from the Rosloto studio. The product comes together with advanced CRM systems, certified games, and reliable payment services.

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Clara Hazel
Author: Clara Hazel
iGaming business expert
Updated 10.04.2023
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